Monday, February 16, 2009

Something personal

So I much desire to rant about how incredibly fucked up the decisions coming out of the Obama administration are (the financial decisions, like capping executive pays then turning around and saying they are only going to do it for "extreme circumstances," or even doing this stimulus package in the first place, or Geitner saying we need another $2.5trillion dumped into the banks, even though we've paid off 90% of the mortgages in the country already) but I'm going to talk about something coming through my mind right now...
What's with guys?
Seriously. Now, I know I've been totally flakey on some people that I wasn't interested in, but what's with these guys that approach ME, ask me for MY NUMBER, and then turn around and get all flakey with hanging out or meeting for dinner or something? You ask for MY number out at the bar, and then totally don't even bother. Ugh, what's with men?
That's about it, I'm just slightly annoyed at this moment. =)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sorry for note posting

But it's just been the SAME old news every week. More layoffs, more deficits, more government spending, and more people saying it's going to get better in a couple of months.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Want to Squash this Rumor Right Now

So there's been long talk, hype and rumors of the great content of the following item, but I'm here to tell you now: It's just a myth. Now, I've actually gotten into arguments with people about this who just wouldn't believe what science has to say on the matter. Well, I'm going to talk about it right here for all of you today:
Semen does not have a high content of protein. There's about 6mg of protein per ejaculation, and if you need, say 50g of protein / day, do you wanna know how many guys you'd have to suck off to get your daily alloted protein? 8,333.3. DAILY. And it's very low in calories. 5-10 per tablespoon. I understand the jokes, but when I tell you you're wrong about it, you really are. =)
For more information about semen go Here

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Spiralling Economy

Our economy in the US continues to spiral downward. The projections are that there will be joblosses of 1million per month in the coming months... Foreclosures are (currently) at 10%, and only going to get worse. Obama plans to spend more money. We don't have it.
We simply do not have the money. Where is it going to come from? Our country doesn't produce CRAP. We just hit a $1trillion deficit THIS YEAR ALONE. They projected it would be $130billion. They're now projecting 2009's deficit to be $1.3 trillion, if you take into account just how far off their estimates for 2008 were, it's highly unlikely that it will be that LOW a number... Read Arun Gupta's reasoning as to why Obama's stimulus package won't work here.
PLEASE read this people, it all has to do with what I'm going to talk about AND how I think we need to start to work in fixing our problems.
Peter Schiff has come out and basically said the way to save yourself (if you're an investor) from the economic crash in the US is to GET OUT OF THE DOLLAR. We haven't even seen the worst of it yet. The same people that are preaching it's going to get better are the SAME PEOPLE that told us in 2007 it was going to turn around in the second half of 08. FIGURE IT OUT. They're trying to delay the inevitable. Instead of feeling the pain of this crash they're simply feeding as much money as they can into it, and it's only going to cause more problems in the long run. Historically, if you look at when every major country went down, the first thing they started doing was debasing their currency. WE'RE DOING IT RIGHT NOW!!!
Germany did in the 20s trying to stimulate IT'S economy. The cost of an ounce of gold went from $1450 marx to $10MILLION! They pushed money into the economy, which generated a mass inflation and completely devalued the currency.
Zimbabwe did EXACTLY what we're doing and is STILL doing it. Their currency has a 9000% (I believe that's the correct number) inflation rate PER DAY! They just printed Million Dollar bills. Are you fucking kidding me?
And all these people out there are saying "It's going to get better, it's going to turn around and the TRILLIONS of dollars being introduced to the economy aren't going to be inflationary." Meanwhile as we hand over all of our money for ANY social program to the banks to keep THEM afloat (simply Reagenomics WHICH DOESN'T WORK AND NEVER HAS) Obama plans to introduce a $1trillion economic stimulus package (or well he says $750billion but it'll be a trillion.) Let me take a second here. Does anyone realize how massive a number even a billion is? Trillion. TRILLION! Our GDP is $15trillion a year. Our national debt just hit $10.7 trillion (up $5trillion from 8 years ago HMM!) And Obama's going to stimulate the economy? WITH WHAT FUCKING MONEY!? It's gotta come from SOMEWHERE? Oh yea, they're going to PRINT IT. And devalue the currency even further.
We're heading into the abyss here, American is DONE as a world power, and we're doing what Russia did: clinging desperately to the last strongholds we have. It's only going to backfire.
So how do we fix this fuck mess we're in?
What the hell can we do when 1 million people are losing their jobs every month?
Well, Ron Paul has it right.
Our foreign policy needs to end.
The war on drugs needs to end.
The people RESPONSIBLE for this mess need to be held accountable.
We need to go back to a Gold Standard.
We need to abolish the federal reserve.
We need to start producing things here in America, which means re instituting tariffs, which would FORCE the companies (if they wanted to sell to America) to produce things HERE.
And we need to stop pouring money into the economy and let the market do what it's supposed to do. Prices for houses SHOULDN'T BE this high! The market is trying to fix itself, and we're just dumping money into it to keep it afloat, only prolonging the crash to come. We are in a depression now, the government won't admit it, but we are. They keep doing tax credits, but they've been proven not to be affective.
But what can an ordinary person do?
Well, educate yourself. Know what's really going on. I highly recommend Patriot Radio News Hour for your economic news, these guys have it right. Democracy Now! for other news (as well as economic.) And organizing.
We need to organize. We need to wake people up, and ORGANIZE. There ARE solutions for this problem, but our government is no longer acting in our best interests. These people responsible need to be held accountable and not get off by just saying "Whoops I was wrong." WAKE UP AMERICA!
Honestly, I see the only real solution that's going to happen to this is a world war. I really, really hope I'm wrong, but that's where I see it headed... Unless we stand up and do something NOW.
We're repeating the same things we did in the 1930s that created the Great Depression, and it needs to stop NOW. Not a year from now. Not two years. Not four years of Obama later. NOW.
Get out there, tell your friends, PLEASE PEOPLE. WAKE UP!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

More posts to come

Been without internet since I moved to my new place. Just got it set up today, and I'm catching up on all the MUSIC I've haven't heard in a week. Been keeping up with the news at work, but can't listen to media there, and downloading my daily news broadcasts at night at this coffee shop near my place hahah.
I shall be posting new things soon, but tonight is a party my friend is having at a club here in SD, so gotta go out and promote that now! =) Peace!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Holy Shit!

Okay. I know I keep posting a lot of entries, but TOO BAD. Read them =)
Here's some late breaking news that's pretty fuckin crazy, IMO. A military jet just crashed into homes here in San Diego.
Read it here


There are many issues facing us as Americans, and many issues facing us as a world as a whole. But none seem to compare to the looming threat of water. Most people have no clue that there used to be a massive aquifer under Texas all the way up to South Dakota that no longer exists, and has created massive land subsidence all along where the water no longer is (that means peoples homes, roads and buildings are sinking into the ground in "random" areas.) Most people have no idea that 1.2billion people have no access to fresh, clean drinking water, or that the quality of water has been decreasing exponentially over the past hundred years. People hear "Global Warming" and think that it has only something to do with CO2 being injected into the air from our cars, but they don't seem to realize the massive droughts all across the globe.
Australia produced its lowest yield of rice since 1927 last year. Why? They don't have water. The backlash of this was the doubling of the price of rice and food riots in countries like Indonesia, the Philippines and Egypt. Human consumption of this necessity for life is at an all time high, and no one seems to want to recognize the fact that it's running out. And when we run out of water, we run out of food. And when we run out of food...
We're experiencing a drought right now, here in America. Las Vegas has outlawed running your sprinklers during the daylight (and you're only allowed to use misters if you do.) Water is a very real problem we're facing. It's projected that at the current rate of population growth, by 2070 all of the worlds fresh water will be in us. Meaning, we'll have consumed all of the worlds fresh water. So are we hearing about this? Do we hear on the news about water shortages in Australia, or the prices of water steadily increasing because it's getting harder and harder to get? Or about all the trees that are dieing here in California because they've gone as far as their roots can go, and they aren't finding water? No. The media wants to keep us complacent and happy, and we'll put off the problem until there's nothing to do about it except go to war.
Instead of now, investing in water desalination plants (we can use reverse osmosis to purify drinking water, that's how we get most of our bottle water,) we're investing our money in OIL and our banking industry. No one seems to care about something if it doesn't bring a nearly immediate profit.
Just wait.
In our lifetime we're going to see wars over the most basic of resources: Water.