Friday, December 5, 2008

"If the FDA approves it, I'm sure it's safe."

One of my friends just said that to me.
I didn't know if he was joking or being serious. When I found out he was serious, I stopped laughing and felt a little sick inside. Let's take a look at what the FDA deems to be safe for human consumption.
Fluoride, even though it isn't allowed to be dumped into the oceans or streams and it's a toxic byproduct of the alluminum process AND every independent, non government study that has been conducted on it has declared it to be a toxic chemical that does not have any health benefits. As well, its effectiveness on cavities is just as well if applied directly to (through toothpaste) than if consumed. Fluoride was used during WWII to keep prisoners docile, and it worked pretty fuckin well.
Busphenol-A, has been deemed safe for human consumption. Just wikipedia it, the health side-effects of this compound are extensive and vast.
"Infants fed with liquid formula are among the most exposed, and those fed formula from polycarbonate bottles can consume up to 13 micrograms of bisphenol A per kg of body weight per day (μg/kg/day; see table below).[58] The most sensitive animal studies show effects at much lower doses, while the EPA considers exposures up to 50 µg/kg/day to be safe.[34][59]"
Melamine: "Melamine is described as being "Harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Chronic exposure may cause cancer or reproductive damage. Eye, skin and respiratory irritant.” However, the toxic dose is on a par with common table salt with an LD50 of more than 3 grams per kilogram of bodyweight.[12] FDA scientists explained that when melamine and cyanuric acid are absorbed into the bloodstream, they concentrate and interact in the urine-filled renal microtubules, then crystallize and form large numbers of round, yellow crystals, which in turn block and damage the renal cells that line the tubes, causing the kidneys to malfunction.[13]"
The EPA recently upped the amount that they deem "safe" for human consumption of this product, because it has been found in almost ALL foods. The EPA refuses to do tests on products for levels BELOW what they suggest as safe (1ppm), even though the EPA levels are dangerously higher than what they should be.
The EPA has dangerous chemicals that are listed as "safe" for human consumption if below certain levels, which in turn allows these companies to put it in products as those "safe" levels, BUT you end up with compounding exposure. Essentially, your tupperware has BPA in it, then your bottle of water has it, all your plastics have it, and it leaches through your skin (proven) AND through consumption into your system and you end up with elevated levels of BPA because you're getting it from multiple sources. Individually, each source would not have "harmful" levels. Added together: you're screwed.
Anyone noticed the massive rates in infertility rising? Or the cancer rates jumping to new highs? Think it has anything to do with the chemicals we're unknowingly ingesting by an organization supposedly there to product us? Nah, couldn't be. We're all safe. The government is looking out for our best interests, even when we're not. =)

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