Friday, December 5, 2008

More bailouts

So the auto industries in the US are asking for 34billion in loans. I find it hilarious that our congress isn't just handing it over. I mean, they already handed over our country to the banks, they own our money supply. Why don't we just give the auto industry whatever they want?
Congress says they don't believe that the automakers can return to viable production levels to be able to pay back the loans. HAH!
Citigroup is BANKRUPT, they are 50 times leveraged, and we're giving them $300billion to help pull them out. They've already laid off 53,000 people! So why not just tack on another $34billion? We've already thrown out the constitution. We've already added $1trillion to the national debt in the last MONTH alone. We're already headed into a depression. Why not just give the auto industries what they want, so they can pay themselves out of their company JUST LIKE THE BANKS ARE DOING (and have been doing for over the past year, selling the stock in their own company that they could.)
The corruption is disgusting. No one seems to think the market can play itself out and go back to normal, SANE levels. Maybe houses shouldn't be worth $500k for a 2BR, 1BA. Maybe they SHOULD be $50k-100k. But OH NO! That would be TERRIBLE for the market. It would be TERRIBLE for people who bought a house at the top of the market, but let's look at it like this: They're still going to have to make their mortgage payment even if the market collapses, unless they default on the house and walk away (like hundreds of thousands of Americans are doing right now because they couldn't afford the home they bought and they knew they couldn't when they bought it.)
So who gives a shit if we tack on another $34billion to the national debt? We're already bankrupt anyway.
But hey, get this. GM has a PLAN. They're going to do: exactly what they SHOULD HAVE DONE YEARS AGO. But they still haven't admitted they were wrong, and that they invested in the wrong market. Fuck, I heard the CEO that went to congress to beg for money say that their plan was to "switch to the smaller markets." Excuse me? Smaller? They're so small, your company is going "bankrupt" (even though it's doing FINE in other countries and making good profits.) Don't bullshit us. Smaller markets. Yea, Hybrids and FUEL EFFICIENT VEHICLES are the "smaller" markets right now. No, sir. They are the LESS PROFITABLE markets. You can't mark up the price of the vehicle by $20k because it's got slick stylish rims and a boomin sound system when it's as small as a Toyota Yaris.
What the fuck happened to the Free Market, when companies that operated incorrectly and LIED ABOUT THEIR PROFITS went under, and the companies that did good business and cared about their employees, and cared about how they affected the worl-... oh wait. It never was there.

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