Thursday, December 4, 2008

Unfathomable stupidity

Before last night I thought there was some hope for America, that people still had a small sliver of a chance to wake up and stop being so completely and utterly retarded. But my faith is completely lost as to the events of this morning. This isn't a political run off my head, this is a pissed off rant at some dumb bitch who reported my bike to the police as stolen.
So I went to a friends house to spend the night, and he told me to put my bike at this one spot, that it would be fine unlocked. All the spots to lock it had huge plants in the way, and I didn't want to ruin them by pushing my bike against them anyways. This morning I awoke to find my bike MISSING. My friend knocked on peoples doors, and found out that the lady who lived in one of the units called the police and reported the bike as stolen property.
Now, how fucking STUPID can people get? There is NO excuse for what she did. Absolutely none. The bike had been there LESS THAN 10 HOURS!!! No one had simply left it on her front door, no one had abandoned the bike, I simply put it there beceause there wasn't anywhere that a fucking plant wasn't growing to set it against. And she calls the police!? You wasted my tax payer money over a fucking bike!? I can't even wrap my head around the vast, gross stupidity of this situation.
Yes, I should have locked my bike up regardless of what my friend said and not trusted that I was in a really nice neighborhood, in a condo complex with locked gates and no way of jumping them. I should have locked it regardless of whether or not I felt it would be safe. I understand this. But I didn't, and I don't see the need for someone reporting it as LOST when it clearly wasn't.
I mean, don't you think you'd ask your neighbors whose bike it might be BEFORE you call the police!? WHAT THE FUCK!?
And get this, I find where my bike is, and the police are almost refusing to release it to me. I gave the lady a complete visual description of the bike, told her the batteries that the light on the top of the bike takes AND the type of light. And where the scratches from some drunk bitch sitting on my bike while it was locked came from. I guarantee you I am the only person calling in with THAT MUCH OF A DESCRIPTION of ANY bike. And I also told her that the seat has two reflectors, one that was the original that came w/ the bike, and the other was a light that I put on with a little yellow button.
I can't get any more visually descriptive of it than I did. But because I don't have the receipt of the serial number (WHO THE FUCK DOES AFTER OWNING A BIKE FOR 3 MONTHS!?) they might not release it to me.
They're going to run the serial and make sure it hasn't been reported as stolen, and then maybe they'll release it to me.
I just can't believe this situation. All the taxpayer dollars that are going into this because some stupid bitch called the police over a bike that was clearly not stolen or lost, and belonged to someone in the unit. WHAT THE FJDKLSFJdklsajfkl;sdajfklsdajfklsdajfklsdfklsdajikljklfsdhtehsfksdjjjol YOU DUMB WHORE!!!!

So that woman is still a dumb whore. I kinda feel bad because my friend feels bad about it all. BUT! I got my bike after hours of back & forth calls w/ the police station.


Cetta said...


I'm appalled.

Naoya said...

Oh trust me, I know. Thankfully my persistent calling & my visual description of the bike had them release it to me FINALLY after hours of back and forth calls. Now it's locked in the backrack @ work.