Sunday, November 30, 2008

Longing for your touch

HAHAH. So I'm retarded and stoned today and my friend and I start looking online for me to find an apartment. He gets distracted and starts reading the Missed Connections on Craigslist for amusement, I guess. Unless he posted one, we may never know. But, there were some pretty funny ones. And I got it in my head to write one. If you can't figure out who I'm writing about too bad. I think it's funny. =) I'll post any responses I get.
And here it is:

"..While walking down beautiful University avenue, by 30th, I saw you. Your legs, from what I could see through your tattered jeans were so stunning, only small amounts of crude oil and dirt covered your sensual skin. You wore a green frizzled hat and lay asleep on the street, Albertson's shopping cart to your side, laden with your priceless belongings. My heart skipped a beat and I nearly dropped my Yog-Art onto the street. I paused for a long moment, staring longingly your way, wishing my will that you would awaken and sweep me into your arms. Steal me away from this cruel world. But my friends kept walking, and you did not wake. Please, if you ever read this, know that I am looking and longing passionately for your touch."

Response 1:
"..Longing for you, please find me - m4m - 21 (San Diego)
Dude, he is obviously HOMELESS and if he is homeless I seriously doubt he waould hace access to a computer let alone the damn internet
You need to take your ass back to where you saw him and approach, because just as you have a house most homeless stay in the same address also.
Good luck.."

Response 2:
Hey Hot Stuff,

Sorry that you ran off so quickly. I was only pretending to be asleep. I am actually an undercover narcotics detective, looking for teenagers and young adults who are buying and selling drugs. The junk in the Albertsons cart was there to cover up the recording equipment that is used to prosecute criminals. I saw you staring at me, but didn't want to blow my cover, but once I saw the rod in your pants getting stiff, I thought that I would pee myself just to give you a signal back. You left too soon, and once I started pissing, I couldn't stop. I was going to get out of my undercover clothes, but the warm piss really started to turn me on, so I played back the recording of you watching me, with the woody in your pants, and I just had to rub one out. When I got home, I did it again. The next time that I am working that corner, I want you to pull it out and piss all over me. That will make me come 5 times. Thanks for thinking of me. Sometimes my work is very boring.


Response 3:
"..Your ad, while clever and humorous, seems a bit mean spirited."

Response 4:
"..homeless dont have computer. RETARD......"

Response 5:
"..nice. very eloquent. "

Response 6:
"..sounds like you were attracted to a homeless person? Nothing wrong with attracting a homeless person, but knowing that he might not have a computer to use, but you just never know..

Goodluck buddy,


Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I think I'm getting sick. Or well, I know I'm getting sick. I woke up this morning and almost vomited, then I biked to work, thought the exercise might perk me up a bit. I was wrong: I feel even worse.
And then I listen to my daily news broadcast from DemocracyNow! and hear even MORE bad news. Not only am I physically sick, I'm financially sick off my ass at the same time. All of us taxpayers are. Obama's talking about "cutting bad spending," but mentions nothing about our gross overspending on foreign policy, and our gross overspending on some domestic policies (Homeland Security for instance.) On top of that, Paulson has come out with ANOTHER $800 BILLION plan to stimulate the economy. The government will now become a bank, because NO BANKS ARE LENDING! We forked over several TRILLION dollars to get them up and running, and guess what? IT DIDN'T WORK! What a fucking surprise. Anyone else think we're being scammed? It's so obvious it hurts.
Meanwhile, the number of Americans on food stamps is on the rise, hitting an all time record high of 30million.
Where the fuck are we getting the $800billion? Where did we get the $750billion we already spent? It's more like $5trillion, but they won't admit it publicly. Where are we getting this money that we DON'T HAVE!?
It's like in California, we're in a $10billion deficit right now and we just approved a $9.95billion railway project, and THAT'S JUST THE START OF THE BILL! You can't rack up debt and expect to not have to pay it off. We're in a $10.7trillion deficit right now in our national debt. And we keep approving to tack on another trillion here, another trillion there.
Where is this money going to come from!?
Us. That's right. We the taxpayers are going to pay for it. We're going to be TAXED TO MAKE UP FOR THIS DEBT! Someone has to pay for it. And it's us.
We are going to be paying for these banks that made risky loans. We are going to be paying for these auto companies that didn't do it right. We are going to be paying for people THAT CAN'T AFFORD TO OWN A HOME, to own a home.
Here's the simple truth: Not everyone can afford the American dream.
FORCING it on people is only going to hurt us in the long run. You should have worked for 10 years of your life to save up the money to buy a house, otherwise what stake do you have in the home? What investment of your life do you have in a house if you had no money down and an interest only loan? It's so retarded.
ANYWAYS. So they're proposing another $800 billion to go into government loans to people. So the money given to the banks was for not. They OBVIOUSLY are doing very well. I mean, Citigroup is only 50 times leveraged. Wants that mean? For every dollar in real money they have, they have $50 in debt. How can you operate a company like that? Oh wait, you turn to the government for assistance in financing your debt to make your books look better. Then, even though a stipulation of TAARP was to LEND THE MONEY BACK OUT AGAIN, you don't do it. So you can delay filing for bankruptcy for another couple of months, a year at best. The average bank is 30 times leveraged, and Citigroup is 50.
So we've handed out all this money to the banks, they're illegally not USING it, and now the government is turning into a bank. I say this all the time, but how much more obvious can it get? We the tax payers are going to be footed the bill, and it's the working class and middle class Americans that are going to pay the moeny. Taxes aren't going to be raised for the rich. Obama's even said the tax cuts for the rich that Bush pushed through he isn't going to remove, he's just going to let the policy expire in 2011. So 2-3 more years of BULLSHIT! Welcome, once again, to Corporate America.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sarah Palin pardons a turkey

And then you watch behind her as they KILL a turkey. What a perfect backdrop to talk about your failing political career.

My Reply

This is a reply to a topic about Masons & for some reason Mayan calendars that I did. A lot of people were essentially saying "oh it's not true, there are no FEMA camps" etc etc.
here it goes:
I'm not so up on the end of the world scenarios. I can't get too worried about our planet getting sucked into some black hole, it's not something we can currently avoid anyways.
What I do personally worry about is where we, as a nation, will end up within the next couple years. Many of our civil liberties are currently out the window, so long as the government deems you to be a terrorist. Now, who are the people that consider to be terrorists? Is it the people in Iraq that are trying to get us out of our their country since we don't belong there? Or is it the citizens here?
If you answered the first one, you'd be wrong. 8 people were arrested in St Paul, MN, for organizing an "anarchist," peaceful protest to welcome the Republican National Conventioners to St Paul. The 8 people were arrested BEFORE the protests took place, one-two days before depending on who you're looking at. And what were they arrested for, I hear you ask? They were arrested for "Conspiracy to Incite a Riot in the Promotion of Terrorism" under Minnesota's version of The Patriot Act. Add to that the nearly 900 people that were arrested the day of the protest, as the police had unsuccessfully disbanded it by taking out its leaders. You don't have to believe me on this one, just watch the video of police surrounding people sitting in a park:
Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now!, as well as two of her producers (Nicole Salazar and someone else,) were also arrested the day of the protest, though the charges of rioting where dropped against the some 100 odd reporters arrested that day. Why would our own police force, supposed to protect the public, violently arrest individuals for acting on their first Amendment rights of freedom of assembly (as evidenced by the people being arrested in the park,) freedom of the press (as evidenced by reporters being arrested,) and freedom of speech (as evidenced by the original organizers being arrested and charged as terrorists against the United States)?
Because they no longer serve the people. They serve a higher order: The New World Order.
I'm not entirely educated on the Masons either. I do know there are specific groups of individuals that were supposedly esteemed within the world, and certain celebrities and people are made "honorary members," but are never really let in on the meetings of the true members. It creates an air of sophistication for them, that they have members of the Masons that are actors or politicians. And the true members can slowly push their agenda.
We have a fraudulent banking system in America, geared only to promote debt, and therefore enslave people by that debt. We have FEMA camps set up all over the country. I've SEEN THEM BEING BUILT, and they're out there telling the people in the towns they're building them near EXACTLY WHAT THEY'RE DOING. It's supposed to hold terrorists. There's a camp in Alaska that is capable of holding 2million people.
Here's some evidence of FEMA camps: FEMA Camp with Train access
Compound on to that the many trains that currently are being equipped with shackles for "transportation," run and operated by FEMA.
This tells me that our government is preparing for something to happen. Something they see being a very real possibility. There are also platoons of men coming back from Iraq and being used, or were during the 08 election, for crowd control essentially. They took people fresh out of war, just having spent months being SHOT AT, and then handed them rubber bullet guns. They're testing new weapons on the people of Iraq (microwave technology, etc.) Their idea of something that is "non-lethal" in Iraq is that it only kills 30% of the people it hits. Microwave crowd control technology
Crowd control technology in Iraq, and FEMA camps in the US. Hm! Connection?
What would the government be preparing for? Could it have anything to do with the current economic collapse and the idea of a World Bank to service the needs of all nations, a One World Currency? Owned and operated by the people that created the Federal Reserve (the Morgans, Rothchilds, Freedmans, Chases, etc) Whoever controls the money supply, controls the people. And here it is, right here, Bernanke lying to our faces. that the World Currency that is making MAINSTREAM NEWS being talked about, isn't being talked about? He LIED straight to Ron Paul and everyone there, and everyone watching. Ron Paul Questions Bernanke
I think if people really knew what was going on, the current economic collapse being an orchestrated failure all across the world, to create a world currency for world control, they'd be a little more inclined to take a much more active role in politics in their life, if they remembered how important it was to have it there in the first place.
You can try to argue all you want, but here's the simple truth: These camps exist. We have a president who himself, along with his chief of staff (Rahm Emanuel,) would like for there to be a youth brigade as well funded and supported as the military. Essentially tattle tail police. And everyone under the age of 25 is supposed to go to for a 3 month civil service training program designed to teach you what being an American is all about. I'm not making it up, it was on there website ( or whatever) before they took it down. I've also written about it before.
Rahm Emanuel
We have a Federal Reserve that's lying to us about where they're spending the money from the bailout, and won't tell us how much or to who how much has been given.
Even if there isn't a group of people bent on world control, it becomes more and more apparent by the day that we the American people are going to suffer ramifications of the many policies pushed by this and previous administrations, and also backed by the current administration.
Believe me or not, but no change that will BENEFIT us is coming. Be content with your $2/gallon gasoline, until your dollar no longer buys anything. We're headed down a crap shoot right now, and we've yet to hit the biggest pile at the end. And it's people ignoring what's going on around them and pretending it doesn't exist because it's "too absurd" to exist that are going to be the first ones to break out into terror and raid the food shelves at stores when there's no more food. Instead of trying to figure out a solution for the crisis we're in.
America is a country of consumers, and it can no longer be perpetuated.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Gays fight back =)

I guess I should explain this before you watch it:
A group of religious extremists met to pray in the Castro district regularly, to pray for the gays to not be gay, essentially. This particular group spent 40 days praying in San Diego for the passage of Prop 8. So when they went to pray this time, in San Fran, they were met with a bunch of very angry homos. No one was hurt or attacked, though they said they were splashed with hot coffee (oh well if it's true.) The cops showed up and escorted them home, and also created a blockade to keep the gays from following them home.
Awesome, in my opinion.
I'm glad to see gay people finally saying they aren't going to take it laying down, no lube, anymore. =) In all seriousness, fuck yea though. They make a very good point, if you don't like gay people don't go into the Castro district of San Fran to pray against them. Simple as that. You fucked up Mormons, you fucked up Catholics that supported Prop 8. You've awoken sleeping queens.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So my roommate asked me to move out by Dec 1st, which later turned into "You -are- moving out Dec 1st." So my stress level is currently out the roof, but thanks to marijuana I'm calm. =) Enough. Anyways, his reason: I'm paying too much, I smoke pot and he doesn't approve and he has a friend that wants to move in. He also threw in that I'm messy (yea my rooms a little messy, but nothing off the wall. The general living area is kept immaculate) and finally just outright admitted he was unhappy with me living there. I asked him on various occasions if he had any issues with anything I did, and he said every time "No you're great." Obviously he lied to my face, and was just looking for the perfect opportunity say something about it.
I had an odd feeling he'd end up being like this though, it took me about two months after living there to feel like he just didn't want me there. His reasonings were disputable and fixable had he told me outright what was bothering him, and given me a chance to address it rather than it be a problem for him. Now I've got to figure out how to come up with an extra anywhere from 250-1000 depending on where I move to. So I'm a little stressed out on how to do that in 2 weeks.
Porn? Anyone wanna pay to see me naked?
I've looked at a couple places, and my current roommate has thrown some retarded suggestions my way (sorry, I'm a little upset about him not bothering to talk to me about what was bugging him and instead just outright deciding I have to move because of it.) Got a place to look at tonight.
But the entire reason I sat down and started writing this was because of a really funny reply I got from this one guy who said he had a room still available. Or at least where my mind went with it, it was funny. In a twisted way.
So I sent him an e-mail asking about the availability of the room, and he said he still had it and asked when I was planning to move. Said his roommate just "never came home." That's kind of funny on various fronts. One: The guy could be dead, or worse killed by the roommate. That's where my mind went with it first and I laughed. Not sure if at myself or if that had happened and may happen to me. Does that make sense? Two: he may just not want to come home for a while. Three: Might be in the hospital. Four: Something else.
And he offers me this dudes room, without knowing for certain where he's at? Kinda shady if ya ask me. Or I'm reading too much into it. I'll probably still go to check it out. I promise to write something else better if I find a place and stop pulling my hair out =)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Much of the Same

So as I'm listening to my daily news broadcast from (I highly recommend listening to their news broadcasts, they're pretty accurate as to what's going on in this country) and the three guests Amy Goodman had on (Naomi Klein, Melvin Goodman & Michael Ratner) basically said: Obama has chosen people that aren't going to change anything. DemocracyNow! is an almost mainstream news source, and they're saying Obama is picking the wrong people for the problems at hand.
Go there and DL there broadcast for 11/17 and listen to it. Or read what Naomi Klein has to say, she's fucking brilliant.
Originally I posted it, but it's very long.
To sum it up: She says we don't need a smooth transition, that is only going to offer more of the same. We need to shake the boat, these companies need to be held accountable for what they're doing and the money they're using should be going to where it was intended: Freeing up the credit market and resuming lending, not being used for bonuses and buying up other banks as it has been. Essentially what these banks are doing is violating the terms of the bailout and Congress isn't standing up to them.
Barney Frank has even stated that what they're doing violates the terms of the bailout agreement. AND NO ONE IN OUR LEGISLATURE IS DOING ANYTHING. Essentially they're saying this credit crisis is so profound that legality no longer matters. This is absolutely absurd!
Then, compound on to that Obama picking people who backed the bailout, who aren't calling for the oversight committee that is supposed to be there, and also picking people for his foreign policy advice that BUSH used to lie us into the war!
From the broadcast:
"..John Brennan and Jami Miscik, both former intelligence officials under George Tenet, are leading Barack Obama’s review of intelligence agencies and helping make recommendations to the new administration. Brennan has supported warrantless wiretapping and extraordinary rendition, and Miscik was involved with the politicized intelligence alleging weapons of mass destruction in the lead-up to the war on Iraq.."
Nothing is going to change unless we, as Americans, demand that change. Democrats controlling congress isn't going to do anything if the people are still on the same agenda of corporate control.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Something unrelated

This decision is weighing heavily on my mind. I'm trying to consider pretty much all options I have...
So here's the decision: Should I move to Chicago to stay with 2 really good friends, and potentially start over and be able to pull myself from this crap shoot I'm currently in as far as finances, or stay in San Diego where I have a job, but just need to find a new place to live.
My roommate wants me to move out so that his friend can move in, I'm paying $750/month for my room. I wouldn't pay anything for a couple months until I got a job and got a little caught up if I moved to Chicago.
Unfortunately, I'd have to find another job. I'd also have to see what the healthcare in Chicago is like, for personal reasons =) Or maybe if I can keep my California residency somehow, claiming my address as being here still... Not sure if that'd work. I want to keep my Cali residency, honestly. Anyways: Job. So I'd have to get another job in this current job market. The minimum wage in IL is 7.75, only .25 behind California. But I make 11.55 ...
So I risk not being able to find another job, and leaving a job that I've got it pretty good at right now. Health insurance, dental, vision. Oh that reminds me, I need to get a cavity looked at... And if I found another job, it'd be another 3 months from the day I started working before I got benefits, if the job has benefits.
I'd also be leaving behind the last 3 years of my life to try something new.
I'm not sure if it'd work or not.
I'd still have to find another place here in San Diego by the 1st, which I'm not really -ready- to do. Ugh. I'm not ready to leave San Diego yet, not mentally at least.
I've still gotta figure out what to do about my turntables, my bike, my bed... If I have the money to ship my turntables....
I need to smoke.
Where's my fucking pipe...

Let's Take Drugs

Listen here to the track George Morel & SPJ - Let's Take Drugs (Cedric Gervais Remix)
I DJ, and this is TOTALLY a track I'd use. It helps that the lyrics are AWESOME. It's Bush talking about taking drugs. Just listen. Sorry if you don't like tech-house, but I do =)

Pretty damned powerful

So yesterday in San Diego 25,000 people marched in support of equality.
I couldn't see the end of people when I was there. Not one single fight. Even when the Yes on 8 people stood there (the very few of them) being an every nagging presence, the only reaction they seemed to get was love. It sounds totally sappy, but that's all people said to them as they walked by. "We love you." I was a little misguided in my idea that people were being simply passive. At least in San Diego I no longer think we are.
People were MUCH more vocal this week. I'm sure some people lost their voices yelling. It makes me happy =)
But let us not forget that this should have happened BEFORE Prop 8 passed. We should have stood up for our rights before hand. No more playing nice.
This holds true for all Americans rights. We need to get organized. We need to hold our government accountable for its mistakes. We need to stand up for our rights.
Repeal The Patriot Act.
Repeal The Military Commissions Act.
Restore Habaes Corpus.
Return to the Constitution PROTECTING us from the downfall of big government.
There's a group called Bash Back!, they're really cool. Look them up, angry homos fighting back. Hell yea.
Check out pics from the protest:

Saturday, November 15, 2008

It's hard to tell someone they're not really benefiting from most corporations

I had a 30 minute argument with someone who believed Wal-Mart benefited him (and that Prop 1A was good, but I've already tried to make my point on this matter, you can side w/ me or think that it's going to benefit people, I simply don't and only history will prove me right.) His reasoning for thinkin Wal-Mart benefits him: cheaper prices. Direct quote from him: "I don't know what I'd do without Wal-Mart"
Well, for one, you'd shop somewhere else. Wal-Mart is not the end all of cheap, crappy, low-quality products. I can direct you to various stores where you can get items at the same price, or less, but they're some absurdly odd brand, which the same quality level as Wal-Mart's own products: Crap. Save a dime here, save a nickle there. I'll show you where it adds up. At the end of the day shopping at Wal-Mart still costs you the same as Ralphs, Golden Eagle or Shop'n'Save. Just trying to cover various areas of the country w/ my names. Kroger, etc. I'm spacing on Floridas stores. Anyways, I digress.
Now how does Wal-Mart keep its prices so incredibly low, and still make a profit? Well one they have such buying power that THEY name how much they'll pay for an item, and if a company doesn't like it: Wal-Mart won't sell their product. That company is now at risk for losing profit for not sucking it up and selling their products. Ever gotten a gillette razor from wal-mart, then one from a grocery store? The packaging is totally different, lower quality @ Wal-Mart. Cut corners where you can..
Another way, say, their t-shirts are priced so low: outsourcing labor for producing products. Now, Wal-Mart isn't the only person who does this, but I'm simply using them as an example to make a point. By outsourcing, they can pay laborers anywhere from 1-9Cents an hour to produce something. The profit margin between cost of materials and labor that goes in compared to what you spend on the shelf is astonishing. Sometimes it can cost as little a 1C / shirt, then they turn around & sell it for $5-20.
So if you look at it in this light: Yes, you the American consumer are benefiting from this. The person who made the shirt is barely putting food on their table, and the corporation that started this all is raking in massive profits. Everyone's happy. Or well, the corporations are happy, Americans are stupid and think they're happy but just aren't aware of the reality of the world, and the people doing the work are feeling a little better, but not much, that they put a bowl of rice on the table for their family.
Then we come back to America and look at how employees are treated at Wal-Mart. Basically, as lowly as you can treat them, pay them as little a possible, and make working conditions only as low as they can be to pass state regulations. The same holds true for their outsourced operations. Pay as little as possible, get the most bang for your buck, and to hell with anyone caught in the way of you trying to make money.
How would you like to know THOUSANDS of children died to make the Sony PS3. Sony told the African countries that they would pay double for an essential mineral needed to produce ALL electronic products. 80% of the worlds resource for it (can't remember the name for the life of me at the moment) is in the Congo alone (which is currently in civil war. Pick up a real newspaper.) So, Sony would pay double, and children worked themselves literally to DEATH trying to get it, to feed themselves & their families. THOUSANDS died of starvation, malnutrition and mining accidents. All for the Playstation 3.
Sucks to know that, huh?
But some people just don't want to listen to it, or they refuse to believe it.
So here in is the dilemma. People view corporations are being for their benefit. They don't realize the other coin to this absurd corporatacracy that has been created, the negative ramifications of many businesses.
That is not to say we do not need some corporations, some do good and not every one is out to rule the world.
The problem is, a corporation only can see profit. And under the law, they are protected by the 14th amendment, thanks to crazy loopholes in our wonderful legislative process. So the corporation only sees profit. Is it cheaper to dump chemicals into the water and pay a fine, or to create systems to prevent that waste from ever having to be entered into the water supply. Any person with a decent set of morals would say it is wrong to dump, but a corporation sees that it is cheaper to do say, since they may not even get caught in the first place.
Meanwhile, they are considered a person under the law. It's absurd.
Going back to Wal-Mart though, you think you're paying less. At the end of the day, that money comes back around. Wal-Mart pays its employees so low they turn to government assistance programs, which you are taxed for. So you end up paying the 15C you saved on Q-Tips buddy. And you create a negative backlash of outsourced labor and under payed US citizens.
But again, what the fuck do I know?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Henry Paulson

Here is a direct quote from the wonderful, awe-inspiring douchebag Henry Paulson
"..Over these past weeks, we have continued to examine the relative benefits of purchasing illiquid mortgage-related assets. Our assessment at this time is that this is not the most effective way to use TARP [Troubled Assets Relief Program] funds, but we will continue to examine whether targeted forms of asset purchase can play a useful role, relative to other potential uses of TARP resources, in helping to strengthen our financial system and support lending .."
Basically: he just said the 250billion (more like 2trillion + 250billion) that they've already HANDED FREE OF CHARGE to the banks has done nothing.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what he said. It's not helping.
Now, WHY wouldn't it be helping?
Could it have anything to do with the fact that the banks gave their higher-ups 50Billion in bonuses, or the fact that they're using the money to buy up smaller banks to use them as a tax credit on their profits? Nah. It's all the consumers fault. It's all OUR fault because we can't pay our mortgages that were designed to SCREW PEOPLE OVER. Come on. No doc loans. Interest only. Changeable interest rates. WHAT THE FUCK!?
Henry Paulson is LYING TO US about where the money is going, or well, to be more correct he's not telling us where it's going but simply SAYING it's going to help out troubled loans, but refuses to provide the receipt. Day in and day out it becomes more and more apparent that this is a SCAM. We are being SCAMMED out of our money.
Wake up people.
Open your god damned eyes and pay attention! We're being SCREWED.
I know all my blogs have been essentially about the economy lately, but it's the thing that is most at stake here.
You wanna know the REAL way to fix the economy? 100% tariff on all foreign items coming into the country. Make it too expensive for these companies to operate in China and Taiwan, make it so that they HAVE to produce products here. BRING JOBS BACK TO AMERICA!
10 MILLION people are currently unemployed folks. That's just the government figures. -10 million-. The real figures? It's more like 8-9%, but who's counting?
Sure it'll be a little rough for a while. We'll have to start up plants again, we'll have to go back to being a "producers," and pay a little bit more for our crappy Wal-mart products. But that's what made America so great. That's what brought us power. THAT'S WHAT IS FEEDING CHINA! We don't produce SHIT here anymore, and we have no jobs here!
Circuit City filed for bankruptcy and is closing many of their stores (I forgot the actual number.)
There's TONS of mainstream businesses that are CLOSING or filing for bankruptcy.
DHL, a foreign shipping company, has pulled out of America. They know EXACTLY where we're headed, and they're not going to stay around and fall with us.
How much more obvious can it get than this?
Do you want me to break into the government buildings and steal documents pertaining to where the money is going? Because I can't. (Please don't arrest me Patriot Act, I'm only hypothesizing, I wouldn't really do it.) Actually, FUCK YOU Patriot Act.
I love America =)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More on Rahm Emanuel

So here's another little bit of Rahm Emanuel telling you how GOOD it is for you to serve the country if you're between 18 & 25. It'll take 3 minutes of your time people.

It's absolutely, 100% absurd. You'll live in barracks, you'll be trained militarily essentially, and you'll learn what it means to be a real American.
Forced to be in a camp for 3 months, learning about some crap that he hasn't really explained all too much so we don't quite know what exactly it will be yet... Becoming a slave for 3 months. That'll teach you what being an American is ALL ABOUT. Are you fucking kidding me?
He flat out said it. "It will teach people what being an American is all about."
Let me just let you sit on that one for a second.
Has it settled in yet?
We're slaves, people. We're controlled by corporations, which control the government. And now, we're going to be required to go to some camp and "learn about being an American?"
To be fair, it hasn't happened yet.

In other news, AIG took a little $300k cat nap in Phoenix. Just to recover from all the stresses of a not-yet-bankrupted and $150billion richer company.
Yes, business executives for AIG, the FAILING COMPANY AIG, decided to spend a couple hundred thousand dollars on a get-away week or weekend, something like that.
I mentioned before when a company is going under, it needs to make changes about how it spends its money. Fuck you AIG. Seriously. How much more are you going to rip and tear from the American people?
And how much more are the bankers going to steal from us?
Oh yea.
Till we're a poor, broken country (which we pretty much already are.) Suck the life out of us, and then move on to China =)
Seriously. How much obvious can it get that we're being ROBBED!?
The bailout included provisions that would give the banks tax credits to the tune of $140billion, making us LOSE THAT MONEY.
The government REFUSES TO TELL US how much has really been given, and the Fed refuses to tell us where the money is going. Because they don't want to "scare the American public." No, they don't want even the most stubborn of fools to be able to realize we're being had. They are BANKRUPTING AMERICA! On purpose! We're going to be taxed so hardcore coming up soon.
Hell, the Governator (Arnold Swartzafucker) wants to raise sales tax by 1.9C to make up for the current economic crisis in California alone. Tax people more when they don't have money.
So California is in a $10billion deficit this year alone. And we just approved a $9.95 BILLION contract to build a railway system between Los Angeles & San Fran. AND THAT'S JUST THE DOWNPAYMENT FOLKS! It's really gonna cost upwards of 60-80BILLION! It won't be finished until 2030.
Let me say that again: We don't have the fucking money for it people. And you Californians just voted in it. "Oh but it's a ten year project they've been working on getting pushed." "It's a wonderful infrastructure project."
I call bullshit.
One: It won't benefit us until 2030, and by then we won't have OIL, so the problem of gasoline powered vehicles polluting the air: probably not high. Even though air pollution will end up being another way for us to be taxed. Sure there might be some terrible-for-the-environment inventions, but I think with the current trend of "protect the environment" we will try to avoid fucking it over.
Two: The real culprit of highway congestion is inner-city travel between people living there. I'm sorry, but look at New York City. It's bumper to bumper traffic 24/7 & people take the very efficient underground transportation like MAD. They fill up those trains completely. What's that done for the cars on the road? And you think a railroad only going North and South in ONE AREA is going to be beneficial in any way shape or form for removing congestion?
Three: Money. Our country is going broke. This project is probably going to end up failing.
Four: The money could be better spent on inner-city transportation projects rather than city-to-city. Makes a lot more sense to me to try & benefit the big cities travel problems before long-distance travelers traveling issues.
But what the hell do I know?
What was I just talking about?
Oh yea, we're fucked.
The Fed is refusing to put out information that we need to know (where the money is going and what is going to be put up as collateral) and we're supposed to pretend that's okay? I can't make it any more obvious. The Fed won't give me the information to make people really believe.
Actually, I think even if I did have it, or someone had that information and they leaked it to the public, the public probably wouldn't believe it. I mean, if they can't believe what I'm saying right here and now, even though I'm only reciting what the Fed is saying, then even if I had the physical proof we were being ripped off, people still wouldn't believe it.
Ever seen the movie Network?
Where Beale gets up and starts RAVING about how he wants us to get mad and that he won't leave us alone? This movie was back in the 70s saying the corporations ruled the world. And was a complete foreshadowing of where television in America was headed, and currently is now.
For those of you that haven't heard it, read it now. You can't even imagine how applicable it is to today. (I thought of this movie because I had a song in my head with him saying this, it's a really rad house track.)
"..I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth; banks are going bust; shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter; punks are running wild in the street, and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it.

We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat. And we sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be!

We all know things are bad -- worse than bad -- they're crazy.

It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out any more. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, "Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials, and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone."

Well, I'm not going to leave you alone.

I want you to get mad!

I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot. I don't want you to write to your Congressman, because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street.

All I know is that first, you've got to get mad.

You've gotta say, "I'm a human being, goddammit! My life has value!"

So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell,

"I'm as mad as hell,

and I'm not going to take this anymore!!"


Crazy, huh?

In MORE news, this Saturday all across the country at the same time (10:30 am here in Cali) in almost every major city in the US (and various cities in other countries) there will be a march for equality, marching against the propositions that have banned gay marriage. Can you imagine that? Thousands of people protesting in every city, demanding their rights? Phenomenal
Check it out:

What the Hell is there left to stimulate?

Seriously. What is there left to stimulate?
We don't produce crap. We buy everything from other countries.
I can't even articulate what's going on in my head right now.
So go listen to
Go listen to Patriot Radio News (these guys are GREAT!)
And read Cetta's blog: She know's whats up.

Monday, November 10, 2008

All about Pie!

So I had a nice conversation with my roommate about economics tonight (he goes to school for business so it's nice to see what they're teaching in school) And through it all, I came to a better understanding of the current status of our economy.
The conversation ended pretty much w/
Him: "Everyone wanted a piece of the pie"
Me: "And yea, the pie had e-coli from some jackass that made it and everyone got diarrhea."
I think it's terribly applicable.
The pie was created by these foreign banks that issue us our money, and everyones greed forced them to take a slice of the pie (from people who can't afford houses buying them, to the banks giving them the loans.) The banks knew they were taking risky loans, but "didn't expect the housing market to crash as hard as it has" even though many economists warned it would. And people, being people, wanted "the American Dream." Many people are at fault here, yes.
But the real root of the problem is the laxative pie that was created for us to feed from.
What's the next flavor, President Elect?

We Were Lied To

What a surprise.
Straight from The Washington Post, the bailout that Obama (and McCain, and Rahm Emanuel) supported contains a possibly illegal provision to give banks a windfall of $140BILLION.
"As part of the bailout, lawmakers changed tax code Section 382, which limits the kinds of tax shelters companies can use during corporate mergers. It was created to stop companies who avoid paying taxes by acquiring shell companies valued by the losses on their stocks. The companies would then write off the losses and avoid paying taxes on their own profits. " (from
Congressional aides have even admitted that they kept the provision HIDDEN to avoid public outrage! Are you kidding!? Can it get any more apparent than this that we, the American People, are being SCREWED OVER by this bailout? AND OBAMA SUPPORTED IT! He is a lawmaker. He KNEW what the provisions entailed. And if he didn't read anything in it, he is even MORE at fault for passing a law without taking the time to read through it. He KNEW it would benefit the banks. The bankers are his friends!
The VERY next article on is the fact that in New York billions of dollars of medicaid and school funding is being cut. So, as we're forking over our tax payer money to the banks so they can pay off their higher shareholders and buy up other banks (it's what they're doing, pick up a fucking newspaper and read) they're cutting spending in social programs. We can afford to bailout our banks from their own economic fuck ups, but we can't afford to keep medicare and public schools properly funded.
And on top of that, AIG is restructuring their $143Billion loan to make it easier for them to pay off.
Am I the only person that thinks if a company is failing, they shouldn't get bailed out? If a company fucks up and makes the wrong investments, it's a sign that: THEY FUCKED UP. They shouldn't receive aid. Little Ma & Pa places all over the country are closing because they can't make ends meet. When a company goes under, another company steps in the fill the void that company left, if the void needs to be filled. That's the point of the free market system. If you fuck up, and make bad investments, you should pay for it. If you want your company to survive, you've got to cut spending, cut your own salary and figure it the fuck out. You shouldn't be able to turn to the government and ask them to bail you out. Transversely, if you do well your company will take off. If you make the right investments, and read the market properly, you'll gain profits.
GM: You fucked up. You read the market wrong, you did not invest in the trend the automobile market was following and you continued to pump out cars that you knew for a fact people did not want to buy because of how much gas they consumed. You refused to adapt to the market, and now you're going under. As well you should be. You made BAD FINANCIAL AND PROJECTIVE DECISIONS! And now WE the American People are going to bail you out and save your company?
If I go out and get a loan for a 500,000 house, and I can only afford a 100,000 house, I am living above my means and I shouldn't be there. And I shouldn't be able to make interest only payments and never pay off the principle amount of my loan. THAT MEANS THE BANK WILL OWN MY HOME WHEN I DIE! And if a bank is stupid enough to GIVE ME THAT LOAN and I'm unable to pay it, I deserve to lose my house and that bank deserves to lose profits for giving me the loan in the first place (even tho they won't because they now own the home and can simply sell it again.)
We cannot continue to live above our means, as we have done so carelessly in America. We cannot continue to ask the Chinese and the Japanese for money. We cannot continue to turn to our central banks to the issuance of our currency, because they're RAPING US! Corporations are taking over the world, they have more power than government. It's absurd!
Our congress people LIED TO US about the provisions so we wouldn't get pissed off. And we are supposed to sit here and let them RAPE OUR ECONOMY!? I can't believe this shit.

So here is my proposal. All across the country we need to organize and protest these abominable acts by our government. DEMAND THAT WE NOT CONTINUE TO PAY OFF THESE COMPANIES FOR THEIR MISTAKES!
In EVERY CITY we need to March on the Capitol buildings and demand that our voice be heard and not stifled by the media! We are still capable of saving this country. We need to organize and to DO IT. No more sitting around on our asses. Get out there, organize. Let the government know we will no longer stand for them taking advantage of our hard work!
Where's my god damned dinner!?
If you're gonna fuck me in the ass, you better buy me dinner first!

So I Might have been a little negative

I'm not sure how much, honestly. I don't feel sorry at all for stating how the rally ended, but I do feel I didn't bring enough attention to the fact that 10,000 people walked down a street, blocking it entirely for 2 miles or so. That's somethin'. When you see the videos, and the aerial pictures, it's a lot more powerful. I definitely wanted to bring attention to at least that.
And thanks to Dewayne I learned about another rally that took place this evening. This time straight through downtown San Diego, and with little warning.
Watch that here
Definitely more along the ideas of Civil Disobedience that I think we need to start exercising. That raised my spirits a little.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Rahm Emanuel

I'm pulling my hair out listening to this crap.
Rahm Emanuel talking about his book and defending his points.
His economic plan is terrible, there's nothing about cutting foreign spending or removing income tax (which goes to pay the interest on the money lent to us by the banks.) Instead he proposes tax "cuts," mandatory "volunteer" service to benefit your country and says that "We need to stop borrowing from China." No shit, asswipe. We do need to stop. The thing is, China's cut us off. They don't WANT to continue funding our debt. We don't really have all that much of a choice in the matter any more, and we owe them A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY!
And what's with the volunteer committee service crap? Don't bullshit me sir. I'm a working class citizen, I pay my taxes and my bills. I'm a little bit in debt due to school and bad finance decisions, but I'm working to pay that crap off. And you're gonna tell me I am REQUIRED to donate my time to my committee, because it's "good for it?" Who the fuck are you to say that?
If I want to donate my time, I will. I should not be REQUIRED to.
And now Obama elects this dipshit to Chief of Staff! Need you any more proof of where this country is headed? Call me crazy all you want, but it's absolutely absurd. I'm not about to let some asshole stand there and tell me I have to do something when I'm already working 40 hours a week, barely scraping by and that I've gotta put more of my time in for your publics works projects?
Let's not forget where he came from. Rahm Emanuel was an economic advisor to Clinton during the years when we removed the Glass-Steagal act, effectively starting to in-our-face hand over power to the banks, to then be elected to the Board of Directors for Freddie Mac just as they started lying about their profits and going bankrupt. THEN he ran for congress after resigning amidst huge scandals.
Come on people. You can't make this shit up. Don't stand up and declare Obama this figure of change. It's the same people behind the Clinton administration that started orchestrating this financial FUCK MESS we're currently in that are now standing behind Obama in the economic crisis of our time. Get ready for your rights to get fucked hardcore into the ground. And not in a the good way.
Seriously people, what the hell is going on out there? Are we really gonna stand by and let these people take our country down?

You can see all of his policies right here:

He even goes so far as to say the terrorists attacked us for our civil liberties.
I'll tell you right now, they don't GIVE A SHIT about our civil liberties. What they give a shit is our foreign policy (look at the Iran-Contra scandal, the various governments we have privately funded that over through dictators, etc.) We're playing the police of the world, and we're trying to tweak its strings from behind the sidelines to promote OUR OWN AGENDA.
THAT is why we were attacked 9-11, if anything. For being over there. They attacked us because we attacked them first.

The Beginning

So I'm starting this blog for many reasons. I feel like I have a lot to say, and I also would like to chronicle my experiences and raise awareness for issues that I feel are facing society today.
And I'm going to get right into it.
Yesterday, November 8th, 2008 there was a gathering of people for a protest on the passing of Prop 8. For any of you that have been hiding in a cave, Prop 8 passed with 52.something% of the California vote and removed the rights for gays to get married.
Let me tell you now, this blog is not about fighting specifically for gay rights. I feel the need to fight for ALL rights, as I see them in dire circumstances given the current state of things in our country (the Patriot Act, Military Commission Act of 2006, etc)
Marriage is a civil right because the only other options are a "separate but equal" institution, and to remove marriage from being an issue of the state. Which I am whole heartedly for, personally. Remove marriage from being something the state deals with, and if people want the rights that come with marriage, there will be another institution to serve that purpose, one for ALL people. That way, marriage can return to being a religious ceremony of the joining of two families, and if a church chooses to not marry gays, that is their own deal. Go to another church.
But neither are really all that viable of options. Separate but equal is never equal, and it demeans people, making them feel like another class of citizens. As so much for removing marriage as an issue of the state, well you need some sort of institution for all the legal aspects of marriage. Why not just keep what we currently have, and make it a right for all people?
I digress.
Originally the rally was to be from Balboa Park in San Diego, down to City Hall. Then it changed, since obviously you can't be allowed to protest out in the open where people aren't EXPECTING you to be there in the first place. No, the police must be notified of protesting, you need to organize legitimately or be cited for violations. And you must go where they tell you.
It changed to marching down University Avenue, closely monitored by police and security patrols, and was to be peaceful, orderly and tame.
Oh it was.
Granted, roughly 10,000 people ended up marching down University for nearly 30 blocks, but it was right through the heart of the gay neighborhoods in San Diego. You aren't going to be running into all that many people against your cause walking in an area of town, notifying people that are already on your side where you stand on the issue.
But it was quiet. Everyone was very docile, no one seemed like that angry lesbian in West Hollywood screaming about wanting her rights back, and telling the head of the mormon church that every donation over $5 made to the legal fight will have a postcard sent to him honoring him for donating. That's definitely clever, bitchy and AWESOME. Albeit there was one lesbian in front of us with a megaphone.
Everyone was very subdued, no one was yelling for their rights, you couldn't get the crowd going into a chant. While 10,000 people marched down the street, you'd only really hear car horns honking and people going "Wooo"
No chanting for rights, no yelling. No one was ANGRY that they had had their rights stolen from them. That they were told they were second class citizens.
Yes, we have to remain calm, level headed and think things through. But we have a right to be pissed off, and to scream at the top of our lungs that we are.
Instead people musta been too stoned and just said "Yeah... It kinda sux... And I'll walk for it. Maybe someone will notice."
I'm all for peaceful protesting, but god damn it I wanted people that were pissed off.
I wanted people awake and up, ready to fight for their rights. Ready to stand up to the police if they told them "You can't be here."
Ready for civil disobedience.
And we're not.
The rally ended before you even made it to any real major cross streets outside of the gay area.
It ended in a cage.
I kid you not, it ended in a cage.
The rally marched into a school playground, fenced in area.
They herded us into something that could easily be contained if it got out of hand by simply closing the gates on us.
Does no one realize the significance of this? It's absurd!
That's the way you want to end a protest?! By waking into a fenced in area?
The foreshadowing is immense.
All across the country we have camps set up by FEMA that are ready to hold millions of people. All for our "protection."
Obama wants to make it mandatory that people 18-25 do community service, and some of that training will include military training.
It's in the news, this is his plan.
And then he elects Rahm Emanuel to Chief of Staff, a man who was on the board for Freddie Mac in 2000 for a year. That was the year before they started lying about their profits.
On the board of a company like that, he OBVIOUSLY knew they were tanking and operating at a loss. He had to have seen the numbers. And he said nothing about it? And in turn, supports the bailout and is also now Chief of Staff?
We're facing the economic crisis of a lifetime, and a politician who partially orchestrated the financial crash we currently are experiencing is going to be Chief of Staff.
All you have to do is Google Rahm Emanuel and read.
All of this is public information.
And no one has a clue. They're declaring Obama the "change" candidate, when he's NOT change. He's the same old thing. He still supports the banking industry that has bankrupted America, and they support him. Most of his financial donations came from them.
Wake up America, and realize that your civil liberties are being slaughtered.
You're being herded like cattle into believing change is coming, when it's not.
Yes, the foreshadowing of ending a rally in a caged area is very profound. Get used to it.
Because if we don't stand up now and defend our rights, we're going to lose them.
So they marched everyone into the cage, and my friends and I decided to go have a beer instead of being in a fenced in area, surrounded by police. A beer seemed the better of the options.
While driving home, I still held the "Mormons Stole my Rights" sign one of my friends gave me. And I educated 4 different people on exactly how they stole our rights. They donated the primary amount of the money to the campaign, at the call of the head of the Mormon church. People didn't even know this.
Thank God I knew what I was talking about, it would have been kind of awkward trying to explain a sign I was holding to people that simply didn't know the truth, when I myself didn't know it.