Monday, November 10, 2008

All about Pie!

So I had a nice conversation with my roommate about economics tonight (he goes to school for business so it's nice to see what they're teaching in school) And through it all, I came to a better understanding of the current status of our economy.
The conversation ended pretty much w/
Him: "Everyone wanted a piece of the pie"
Me: "And yea, the pie had e-coli from some jackass that made it and everyone got diarrhea."
I think it's terribly applicable.
The pie was created by these foreign banks that issue us our money, and everyones greed forced them to take a slice of the pie (from people who can't afford houses buying them, to the banks giving them the loans.) The banks knew they were taking risky loans, but "didn't expect the housing market to crash as hard as it has" even though many economists warned it would. And people, being people, wanted "the American Dream." Many people are at fault here, yes.
But the real root of the problem is the laxative pie that was created for us to feed from.
What's the next flavor, President Elect?

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