Monday, November 24, 2008

My Reply

This is a reply to a topic about Masons & for some reason Mayan calendars that I did. A lot of people were essentially saying "oh it's not true, there are no FEMA camps" etc etc.
here it goes:
I'm not so up on the end of the world scenarios. I can't get too worried about our planet getting sucked into some black hole, it's not something we can currently avoid anyways.
What I do personally worry about is where we, as a nation, will end up within the next couple years. Many of our civil liberties are currently out the window, so long as the government deems you to be a terrorist. Now, who are the people that consider to be terrorists? Is it the people in Iraq that are trying to get us out of our their country since we don't belong there? Or is it the citizens here?
If you answered the first one, you'd be wrong. 8 people were arrested in St Paul, MN, for organizing an "anarchist," peaceful protest to welcome the Republican National Conventioners to St Paul. The 8 people were arrested BEFORE the protests took place, one-two days before depending on who you're looking at. And what were they arrested for, I hear you ask? They were arrested for "Conspiracy to Incite a Riot in the Promotion of Terrorism" under Minnesota's version of The Patriot Act. Add to that the nearly 900 people that were arrested the day of the protest, as the police had unsuccessfully disbanded it by taking out its leaders. You don't have to believe me on this one, just watch the video of police surrounding people sitting in a park:
Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now!, as well as two of her producers (Nicole Salazar and someone else,) were also arrested the day of the protest, though the charges of rioting where dropped against the some 100 odd reporters arrested that day. Why would our own police force, supposed to protect the public, violently arrest individuals for acting on their first Amendment rights of freedom of assembly (as evidenced by the people being arrested in the park,) freedom of the press (as evidenced by reporters being arrested,) and freedom of speech (as evidenced by the original organizers being arrested and charged as terrorists against the United States)?
Because they no longer serve the people. They serve a higher order: The New World Order.
I'm not entirely educated on the Masons either. I do know there are specific groups of individuals that were supposedly esteemed within the world, and certain celebrities and people are made "honorary members," but are never really let in on the meetings of the true members. It creates an air of sophistication for them, that they have members of the Masons that are actors or politicians. And the true members can slowly push their agenda.
We have a fraudulent banking system in America, geared only to promote debt, and therefore enslave people by that debt. We have FEMA camps set up all over the country. I've SEEN THEM BEING BUILT, and they're out there telling the people in the towns they're building them near EXACTLY WHAT THEY'RE DOING. It's supposed to hold terrorists. There's a camp in Alaska that is capable of holding 2million people.
Here's some evidence of FEMA camps: FEMA Camp with Train access
Compound on to that the many trains that currently are being equipped with shackles for "transportation," run and operated by FEMA.
This tells me that our government is preparing for something to happen. Something they see being a very real possibility. There are also platoons of men coming back from Iraq and being used, or were during the 08 election, for crowd control essentially. They took people fresh out of war, just having spent months being SHOT AT, and then handed them rubber bullet guns. They're testing new weapons on the people of Iraq (microwave technology, etc.) Their idea of something that is "non-lethal" in Iraq is that it only kills 30% of the people it hits. Microwave crowd control technology
Crowd control technology in Iraq, and FEMA camps in the US. Hm! Connection?
What would the government be preparing for? Could it have anything to do with the current economic collapse and the idea of a World Bank to service the needs of all nations, a One World Currency? Owned and operated by the people that created the Federal Reserve (the Morgans, Rothchilds, Freedmans, Chases, etc) Whoever controls the money supply, controls the people. And here it is, right here, Bernanke lying to our faces. that the World Currency that is making MAINSTREAM NEWS being talked about, isn't being talked about? He LIED straight to Ron Paul and everyone there, and everyone watching. Ron Paul Questions Bernanke
I think if people really knew what was going on, the current economic collapse being an orchestrated failure all across the world, to create a world currency for world control, they'd be a little more inclined to take a much more active role in politics in their life, if they remembered how important it was to have it there in the first place.
You can try to argue all you want, but here's the simple truth: These camps exist. We have a president who himself, along with his chief of staff (Rahm Emanuel,) would like for there to be a youth brigade as well funded and supported as the military. Essentially tattle tail police. And everyone under the age of 25 is supposed to go to for a 3 month civil service training program designed to teach you what being an American is all about. I'm not making it up, it was on there website ( or whatever) before they took it down. I've also written about it before.
Rahm Emanuel
We have a Federal Reserve that's lying to us about where they're spending the money from the bailout, and won't tell us how much or to who how much has been given.
Even if there isn't a group of people bent on world control, it becomes more and more apparent by the day that we the American people are going to suffer ramifications of the many policies pushed by this and previous administrations, and also backed by the current administration.
Believe me or not, but no change that will BENEFIT us is coming. Be content with your $2/gallon gasoline, until your dollar no longer buys anything. We're headed down a crap shoot right now, and we've yet to hit the biggest pile at the end. And it's people ignoring what's going on around them and pretending it doesn't exist because it's "too absurd" to exist that are going to be the first ones to break out into terror and raid the food shelves at stores when there's no more food. Instead of trying to figure out a solution for the crisis we're in.
America is a country of consumers, and it can no longer be perpetuated.

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