Thursday, November 13, 2008

Henry Paulson

Here is a direct quote from the wonderful, awe-inspiring douchebag Henry Paulson
"..Over these past weeks, we have continued to examine the relative benefits of purchasing illiquid mortgage-related assets. Our assessment at this time is that this is not the most effective way to use TARP [Troubled Assets Relief Program] funds, but we will continue to examine whether targeted forms of asset purchase can play a useful role, relative to other potential uses of TARP resources, in helping to strengthen our financial system and support lending .."
Basically: he just said the 250billion (more like 2trillion + 250billion) that they've already HANDED FREE OF CHARGE to the banks has done nothing.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what he said. It's not helping.
Now, WHY wouldn't it be helping?
Could it have anything to do with the fact that the banks gave their higher-ups 50Billion in bonuses, or the fact that they're using the money to buy up smaller banks to use them as a tax credit on their profits? Nah. It's all the consumers fault. It's all OUR fault because we can't pay our mortgages that were designed to SCREW PEOPLE OVER. Come on. No doc loans. Interest only. Changeable interest rates. WHAT THE FUCK!?
Henry Paulson is LYING TO US about where the money is going, or well, to be more correct he's not telling us where it's going but simply SAYING it's going to help out troubled loans, but refuses to provide the receipt. Day in and day out it becomes more and more apparent that this is a SCAM. We are being SCAMMED out of our money.
Wake up people.
Open your god damned eyes and pay attention! We're being SCREWED.
I know all my blogs have been essentially about the economy lately, but it's the thing that is most at stake here.
You wanna know the REAL way to fix the economy? 100% tariff on all foreign items coming into the country. Make it too expensive for these companies to operate in China and Taiwan, make it so that they HAVE to produce products here. BRING JOBS BACK TO AMERICA!
10 MILLION people are currently unemployed folks. That's just the government figures. -10 million-. The real figures? It's more like 8-9%, but who's counting?
Sure it'll be a little rough for a while. We'll have to start up plants again, we'll have to go back to being a "producers," and pay a little bit more for our crappy Wal-mart products. But that's what made America so great. That's what brought us power. THAT'S WHAT IS FEEDING CHINA! We don't produce SHIT here anymore, and we have no jobs here!
Circuit City filed for bankruptcy and is closing many of their stores (I forgot the actual number.)
There's TONS of mainstream businesses that are CLOSING or filing for bankruptcy.
DHL, a foreign shipping company, has pulled out of America. They know EXACTLY where we're headed, and they're not going to stay around and fall with us.
How much more obvious can it get than this?
Do you want me to break into the government buildings and steal documents pertaining to where the money is going? Because I can't. (Please don't arrest me Patriot Act, I'm only hypothesizing, I wouldn't really do it.) Actually, FUCK YOU Patriot Act.
I love America =)


Cetta said...

That would cure the problem, bringing jobs back to America, but you forget: The government doesn't WANT to cure the problem.

Haha, I love "Actually FUCK YOU Patriot Act" at the end. Lmfao.

Naoya said...

Yup. Corporations don't want us to bring jobs back, and since they control the government, you're right.
I see all the homos mobilizing across the world right now because they feel their rights have been infringed upon (rightfully so) but no one seems to realize that systematically over the past 8 years we've been raped of many of our basic constitutional rights.
And no one seems to get it...
Sorry I'm musing =)