Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So my roommate asked me to move out by Dec 1st, which later turned into "You -are- moving out Dec 1st." So my stress level is currently out the roof, but thanks to marijuana I'm calm. =) Enough. Anyways, his reason: I'm paying too much, I smoke pot and he doesn't approve and he has a friend that wants to move in. He also threw in that I'm messy (yea my rooms a little messy, but nothing off the wall. The general living area is kept immaculate) and finally just outright admitted he was unhappy with me living there. I asked him on various occasions if he had any issues with anything I did, and he said every time "No you're great." Obviously he lied to my face, and was just looking for the perfect opportunity say something about it.
I had an odd feeling he'd end up being like this though, it took me about two months after living there to feel like he just didn't want me there. His reasonings were disputable and fixable had he told me outright what was bothering him, and given me a chance to address it rather than it be a problem for him. Now I've got to figure out how to come up with an extra anywhere from 250-1000 depending on where I move to. So I'm a little stressed out on how to do that in 2 weeks.
Porn? Anyone wanna pay to see me naked?
I've looked at a couple places, and my current roommate has thrown some retarded suggestions my way (sorry, I'm a little upset about him not bothering to talk to me about what was bugging him and instead just outright deciding I have to move because of it.) Got a place to look at tonight.
But the entire reason I sat down and started writing this was because of a really funny reply I got from this one guy who said he had a room still available. Or at least where my mind went with it, it was funny. In a twisted way.
So I sent him an e-mail asking about the availability of the room, and he said he still had it and asked when I was planning to move. Said his roommate just "never came home." That's kind of funny on various fronts. One: The guy could be dead, or worse killed by the roommate. That's where my mind went with it first and I laughed. Not sure if at myself or if that had happened and may happen to me. Does that make sense? Two: he may just not want to come home for a while. Three: Might be in the hospital. Four: Something else.
And he offers me this dudes room, without knowing for certain where he's at? Kinda shady if ya ask me. Or I'm reading too much into it. I'll probably still go to check it out. I promise to write something else better if I find a place and stop pulling my hair out =)


Jehn said...

Hey babe. It's Jenn - I've left random shit around for you in the usual place, but I figured I'd finally say something here, since I've been keeping up with it for a bit now.

Sucks what your roommate did. =X

Love, and I wish you the best.

Oh yeah. Good to hear you're still smoking.

Naoya said...

I'm smoking way too much =(
I need to stop or slow down. OH WELL!
Anyways: how've you been lovey? You should call me sometime. Message me on Myspace for my number, or e-mail me: