Sunday, November 16, 2008

Pretty damned powerful

So yesterday in San Diego 25,000 people marched in support of equality.
I couldn't see the end of people when I was there. Not one single fight. Even when the Yes on 8 people stood there (the very few of them) being an every nagging presence, the only reaction they seemed to get was love. It sounds totally sappy, but that's all people said to them as they walked by. "We love you." I was a little misguided in my idea that people were being simply passive. At least in San Diego I no longer think we are.
People were MUCH more vocal this week. I'm sure some people lost their voices yelling. It makes me happy =)
But let us not forget that this should have happened BEFORE Prop 8 passed. We should have stood up for our rights before hand. No more playing nice.
This holds true for all Americans rights. We need to get organized. We need to hold our government accountable for its mistakes. We need to stand up for our rights.
Repeal The Patriot Act.
Repeal The Military Commissions Act.
Restore Habaes Corpus.
Return to the Constitution PROTECTING us from the downfall of big government.
There's a group called Bash Back!, they're really cool. Look them up, angry homos fighting back. Hell yea.
Check out pics from the protest:


Cetta said...

Someone said on Larry King Live on Friday "no more mister nice gay." Made me laugh and think of you and everyone else that is speaking out against Prop 8.

That's a great response BTW. The "We love you" stuff. That's so awesome.

Naoya said...

Omg cetta read this
It made me laugh =)