Sunday, November 9, 2008

Rahm Emanuel

I'm pulling my hair out listening to this crap.
Rahm Emanuel talking about his book and defending his points.
His economic plan is terrible, there's nothing about cutting foreign spending or removing income tax (which goes to pay the interest on the money lent to us by the banks.) Instead he proposes tax "cuts," mandatory "volunteer" service to benefit your country and says that "We need to stop borrowing from China." No shit, asswipe. We do need to stop. The thing is, China's cut us off. They don't WANT to continue funding our debt. We don't really have all that much of a choice in the matter any more, and we owe them A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY!
And what's with the volunteer committee service crap? Don't bullshit me sir. I'm a working class citizen, I pay my taxes and my bills. I'm a little bit in debt due to school and bad finance decisions, but I'm working to pay that crap off. And you're gonna tell me I am REQUIRED to donate my time to my committee, because it's "good for it?" Who the fuck are you to say that?
If I want to donate my time, I will. I should not be REQUIRED to.
And now Obama elects this dipshit to Chief of Staff! Need you any more proof of where this country is headed? Call me crazy all you want, but it's absolutely absurd. I'm not about to let some asshole stand there and tell me I have to do something when I'm already working 40 hours a week, barely scraping by and that I've gotta put more of my time in for your publics works projects?
Let's not forget where he came from. Rahm Emanuel was an economic advisor to Clinton during the years when we removed the Glass-Steagal act, effectively starting to in-our-face hand over power to the banks, to then be elected to the Board of Directors for Freddie Mac just as they started lying about their profits and going bankrupt. THEN he ran for congress after resigning amidst huge scandals.
Come on people. You can't make this shit up. Don't stand up and declare Obama this figure of change. It's the same people behind the Clinton administration that started orchestrating this financial FUCK MESS we're currently in that are now standing behind Obama in the economic crisis of our time. Get ready for your rights to get fucked hardcore into the ground. And not in a the good way.
Seriously people, what the hell is going on out there? Are we really gonna stand by and let these people take our country down?

You can see all of his policies right here:

He even goes so far as to say the terrorists attacked us for our civil liberties.
I'll tell you right now, they don't GIVE A SHIT about our civil liberties. What they give a shit is our foreign policy (look at the Iran-Contra scandal, the various governments we have privately funded that over through dictators, etc.) We're playing the police of the world, and we're trying to tweak its strings from behind the sidelines to promote OUR OWN AGENDA.
THAT is why we were attacked 9-11, if anything. For being over there. They attacked us because we attacked them first.


Robb said...

.. That's it, man! I read a small bit in a local newsrag here in Canada about this "mandatory volunteer" shit. A lotta folk up here are going "Woo-Hoo, Obama!!" but ain't none of 'em who'd listen to me when I tell 'em just who is gonna be working the deeds behind the president-elect's public front.
Mandatory volunteer. Classic oxymoron, with emphasis on the moron...
Good post. I enjoy seeing some truth in the blogosphere.


Cetta said...

You could not be any more right. I admire your views and am SO GLAD YOU FINALLY GOT THIS BLOG. I want to make a post about this on MY blog now. Your blog is absolutely amazing.

Naoya said...

Thanks Cetta. Let's wait till we see who else gets elected to positions. This might not even be the most absurd pick, but I think it's the most foreshadowing.
I'm happy to be writing too. I've been prompted by your blog, and just general crap going on in this country, to want to start putting my voice out there. We need to get people talking about this stuff, and this is an awesome way.
You do great work. =)

DeWayne In San Diego said...

I hate to be all Cynical but the first day of my political science class this phrase was on the whiteboard.

At the time I didn't buy it but looking back I think he was right?

Of course we all know who said this,,,

Naoya said...

That photo is amazingly appropriate, Dwayne =(