Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I think I'm getting sick. Or well, I know I'm getting sick. I woke up this morning and almost vomited, then I biked to work, thought the exercise might perk me up a bit. I was wrong: I feel even worse.
And then I listen to my daily news broadcast from DemocracyNow! and hear even MORE bad news. Not only am I physically sick, I'm financially sick off my ass at the same time. All of us taxpayers are. Obama's talking about "cutting bad spending," but mentions nothing about our gross overspending on foreign policy, and our gross overspending on some domestic policies (Homeland Security for instance.) On top of that, Paulson has come out with ANOTHER $800 BILLION plan to stimulate the economy. The government will now become a bank, because NO BANKS ARE LENDING! We forked over several TRILLION dollars to get them up and running, and guess what? IT DIDN'T WORK! What a fucking surprise. Anyone else think we're being scammed? It's so obvious it hurts.
Meanwhile, the number of Americans on food stamps is on the rise, hitting an all time record high of 30million.
Where the fuck are we getting the $800billion? Where did we get the $750billion we already spent? It's more like $5trillion, but they won't admit it publicly. Where are we getting this money that we DON'T HAVE!?
It's like in California, we're in a $10billion deficit right now and we just approved a $9.95billion railway project, and THAT'S JUST THE START OF THE BILL! You can't rack up debt and expect to not have to pay it off. We're in a $10.7trillion deficit right now in our national debt. And we keep approving to tack on another trillion here, another trillion there.
Where is this money going to come from!?
Us. That's right. We the taxpayers are going to pay for it. We're going to be TAXED TO MAKE UP FOR THIS DEBT! Someone has to pay for it. And it's us.
We are going to be paying for these banks that made risky loans. We are going to be paying for these auto companies that didn't do it right. We are going to be paying for people THAT CAN'T AFFORD TO OWN A HOME, to own a home.
Here's the simple truth: Not everyone can afford the American dream.
FORCING it on people is only going to hurt us in the long run. You should have worked for 10 years of your life to save up the money to buy a house, otherwise what stake do you have in the home? What investment of your life do you have in a house if you had no money down and an interest only loan? It's so retarded.
ANYWAYS. So they're proposing another $800 billion to go into government loans to people. So the money given to the banks was for not. They OBVIOUSLY are doing very well. I mean, Citigroup is only 50 times leveraged. Wants that mean? For every dollar in real money they have, they have $50 in debt. How can you operate a company like that? Oh wait, you turn to the government for assistance in financing your debt to make your books look better. Then, even though a stipulation of TAARP was to LEND THE MONEY BACK OUT AGAIN, you don't do it. So you can delay filing for bankruptcy for another couple of months, a year at best. The average bank is 30 times leveraged, and Citigroup is 50.
So we've handed out all this money to the banks, they're illegally not USING it, and now the government is turning into a bank. I say this all the time, but how much more obvious can it get? We the tax payers are going to be footed the bill, and it's the working class and middle class Americans that are going to pay the moeny. Taxes aren't going to be raised for the rich. Obama's even said the tax cuts for the rich that Bush pushed through he isn't going to remove, he's just going to let the policy expire in 2011. So 2-3 more years of BULLSHIT! Welcome, once again, to Corporate America.


Cetta said...

Obama- more of the same that we've been dealing with for the past 8 years in terms of spending if not WORSE.

We need to learn from Iceland and revolt.

I love your blogging technique. Pure honesty. I wish more were like you.

I'm also horrified to learn you're sick. I hope you get better really soon. :(

Naoya said...

Obama's going to fuck us over EVEN MORE in spending than Bush did. Not only is here going to highten up the war in Afghanistan, he's going to "create jobs."
So we just forked over TRILLIONS of dollars to these banks, now we're created another $800billion to make a fucking bank since the banks we bailed out aren't fuckin lending. And Obama wants to create jobs. Yea
Environmental police, civil servant bullshit crap. UGH I could rant forever about how retarded this entire situation is.
I hope I get better too =( It's thanksgiving tomorrow and I don't wanna be sick. I know I'll get better tho, it's probably just a cold or I've been not sleeping enough.

Cetta said...

You should rant forever about it. Get a real domain and I will host you!!!! I still need to IM you on AIM.